Horses Make My Heart Sing

Horses make my heart sing. The smell of their warm skin and glistening coat makes me smile. The way Aguacero nuzzles my hair and flips off my hat brings joy and laughter. I love to ride along the seashore, in the forest, in a parade; and as a girl, I would just climb on in the pasture, no bridle or saddle, and go wherever my mare wanted to take me. My heart warms every time I share horse magic with anyone wanting to know the horses, honor them and to create a relationship with them. I love to see the children blossom and grow in the presence of the horses, each relationship is different, sacred and a gift in its own way.

Stillness with the horses makes my heart sing. When I stand near, focus on my breath and my feet on the ground, I soften my gaze and listen to the birds or the blowing breeze. As my mind quiets, the nearby horse slows his breath, his lower lip softens and begins to droop. If I am very still, with a very empty mind, his hind foot will rest. If I can maintain this quiet, still mind and breath, he may sink to the earth and stretch out on his side and sleep. Is it the quiet that lights my heart? Or the giant slumbering beast who demonstrates the ever present peace that I finally let in for a few moments? We all breathe deeply.

When I take the horses out in the neighborhood, I see joy reflected back to me. The man on the bicycle stops to tell me how his family had horses right here in Waimanalo, the construction workers come out of the garage and down off the roof to greet us warmly, one man leans close, smells the warm horse and smiles as he shares his memories. Children, in the arms of their parents, reach out to stroke a velvety nose or hug a warm neck, silently but all smiles. Kūpuna stroke the horse’s neck as their eyes glisten with fond recollection of their days with horses.

I am eager to create a beautiful place for everyone to restore some horse song to their hearts. Will you join us?